Monday, July 5, 2010

Sore Feet!


Haha, sorry i have nothing funny to say...and i can't think of anything witty or interesting to say!...and this is probably just a waste of ink cause i can't think of anything to say....hey you would be too 30 days into a journey!!...haha!

this morning we went to a musuem it was FUN!.....Emily made fun of the art gallery "i can feel the anguish of the painter in his strokes of red!"...Steff looked not amused...

she then goes onto tell me that i sound too posh and that i should sound more scottish than english..well sorry if i am proud to be english...we have had so many people coming up to us and sayin "you don't sound scottish" "well guv! thats cause we are from england"....i reply then Steff goes "naw mate we're from scotland ya bass..2k10 in da mix man!!" haha not really something along those lines anyways!...

we went to a buddhism part of the museum which i was really interesting in!...i was like "i knew that and that piece of information is wrong" and i was tellin Steff all about buddhism and she looked disinterested which was really not cool, we then went to a mineral rock part of the museum and steff went on and on it was like a chemsitry lecture! dad you'd of been proud!...Steff was moaning about sore feet as she had brought some new shoes and had yet to break them we were walking extra slow!...i said enough is enough and we headed back to the hostel where we spent the rest of the day reading!...Steff brought cookies!!!

The Bagpipes were playing by a group of eople who were preteneding to be scottish...which is awful steff abandoned me! cause she couldnt listen to it anymore!!

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