Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Rainiest Day in the World

After waking up a couple of times during the night emily decided that going for breakfast at 5 in the morning was late enough (breakfast doesnt start til 8). And so our first journey out of the hostel began at aroud 7 50am... and ended around 8 05am for a brief return because em forgot a belt... and neither of us had packed 1 so the hunt was on for string/twine/shoelace/DUCTTAPE!. After walking approx 500000 miles to try and find something to keep ems trousers from falling off completely we finally bought some rope. It worked for about 5 hours and stopped working at the rainiest part of the day: the long journey back from wherever we had walked to. Dispite a bumpy start, jetlag and terrible weather the day was a success. We went to the aquarium, which is better than Deep Sea World (sorry scotland), and steff attempted to feed emily to a giant plastic mosquitoe but it didnt work, shemay have to try harder next time. On the way to the aquarium we had a lovely walk through stanley park which would've been even more lovely had it not been so rainy you couldn't see 2 ft infront of your face, lets hope the sun shines a little for us tomorrow =)

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