Friday, June 11, 2010

The sun finally shone

we awoke at 5.30am, this is certainly a habit we are getting into, we decided to get up and ready, so yay warm shower.....we fell out in the second day cause Emily had lost the conditioner and the body wash, i fully believe it was my fault, i take all credit for loosing the items. We arrived only an hour early for breakfast, in time to watch mixico and south africa at the world cup and some very lively supporters for 7 in the morning. We then headed out around eight to book greyhound coaches for the 5 weeks ahead....we took the "scenic" route through gastown. Gastown is very beautiful however as you get further away from the city the more you start to notice little things: spray paint on shops and the very tasteless outfit of the lady infront of you. We felt very uneasy and both of us were not speaking to one another, a quick glance around and we could see that it was the wrong way to go, couldn't look anywhere for fear of the gangs and Emily tried not to look to the floor, we held our backpacks close to our hearts, Emily even broke out in a sweat, You could fell the tension and the intestity of walking through a place with so many gangs shouting at each other, Steff was quicking the pace, we were truely terrifed. We sighed a breathe of relief as we were out the rough bit, we were giggling just cause if you can't laugh then it will haunt you. Em was almost in tears and decided to go to the science musuem, which noticing the average age of the people around us was probably 5 we thought was a silly mistake, but it was fun. Altho we were the oldest there. We headed back to the hostel for lunch the long way trying to avoid the scenic route. When we returned we checked how far we had walked according to the map and steffs ruler we had walked 27 miles, we were pretty impressed until we realised the scale was not 3miles but .3miles so we had only walked 9 miles. We then decided to go back out again and took a walk around stanley park, which was 9 miles long. We saw toten poles and boats and the sun was shining, Steff was dressed for winter with her hat and jumper on she was melting, it was a lovely walk. 'Steff Norris can just scare away crows', 'Steff is coolier than Chuck Norris' haha, on our walk baby ducklings fell from the sky, it was raining ducklings, this woman caught one in her hat, and they must of been seperated from their mother. It was upsetting. We asked this family to take a photo of us and the camera was on the mode smile detection....we were smiling but the photo was not been taken, and the man who was taking the photo wouldn't give it back until he had fixed it, he reminded us of Dad. It was really sunny. We went to the shop brought fusty strawberries and then went to the beach where we spent a few hours, now we are eating pasta and playing card and vlogging :)!. Updating tomorow :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey sisters! Love the blog and laughed at the dad with your camera. Now don't trade it for crack as you walk through rough neigbourhoods.
    I totally visualized these rubber duckies falling from the sky; like bath toys (sorry, raising a two-year old) keep up the stroy-telling for us boring people at home,
    ~Pastor Dave
